Donkeys are an integral part of the culture, the history and the future in numerous countries in the world. 

Donkeys (and mules parented by donkeys) have been, and still are, important for agricultural production and marketing as well as for transport. Donkey traditions have been encapsulated in museums around the world, but donkey technologies continue to evolve.


Many donkey populations have recently been decimated to meet the on-going high demand in China for ejiao (donkey skin gelatine) and a presentation will highlight some global and local solutions that can be adopted.

The one-hour event recording , in english, includes presentations (Illustrated by striking photos from over 50 countries) on the historic and current uses of donkeys and mules and their importance for societies. Consult the Youtube complete recordings , by linking to:

Donkeys in agriculture and development: past, present and future – YouTube


To join the event, please register before May 6th by emailing the AIMA president: 
agriculturemuseums.president [at]  We will then provide you with the Zoom-Link for the event.